(937) 604-4476 rfox@agcofdayton.com

On Tuesday, October 6th, 714 High School Students and Instructors from 19 different schools/young adult centers attended the 10th Annual Construction Career Expo held at the Operating Engineers Training Center in Miamisburg.  The Expo was hosted by the MV Building Trades Apprenticeship Group and sponsored by the MV Alliance of Construction Professionals.

With the improved construction industry outlook, many contractors face a challenge with the growing shortage of skilled craft workers.  Therefore, it is an important time to outreach to students who will soon transition into the workforce and/or higher education to introduce apprenticeship training as a viable career pathway.

Upon arrival, all students were welcomed by Randy Fox, AGC West Central Ohio Division’s Executive Director.  The students were encouraged to visit each of the twelve apprenticeship programs’ booths to participate in hands on activities and discuss career options with training center representatives.  At one point, the students were asked to take seats and three Apprentice Program Coordinators shared important information on making and living with career choices.  All students who attended were served lunch.  In summary, the 10th Annual Construction Career Expo met its goal in informing students of future career options in the Construction Industry.



Career Expo 2015, Group   Career Expo 2015, Joe Travis   Career Expo 2015, Travis Journey   Career Expo 2015, Plumbers & Pipefitters

Career Expo 2015, Plasterers & Cement Masons   Career Expo 2015, Electricians   Career Expo 2015, SMW Simulator   Career Expo 2015, Ironworkers


Career expo 2015, Bricklaying