In 2017, Ken Oren, President of Oren Associates, Inc. was named the AGC, West Central Ohio’s President of its Board of Directors. The staff of AGC, West Central Ohio Division looks forward to working with Mr. Oren over his two year term.
Ken assumes the role from John Schroer, Rhecors General Contracting, whose term ended at year end 2016. AGC, West Central Ohio Division appreciated the support and direction provided by Mr. Schroer over his two year presidency.
Ken started his 40+ years career in the Plaster Industry following his graduation from Manchester College with a degree in Physics. He worked in the field and provided estimating services for James C. Oren & Associates. In 1988, he was named the President of Oren Associates Inc.
In 2005, Ken was name the Director of the Dayton Bureau of Lath & Plaster, which works to promote the use of plastering and provides a resource for Architects. He is also on the Board of the Dayton/Miami Valley Chapter of CSI.
Since 2009, Ken Oren is also Pastor of the Pitsburg Church of the Brethren.