(937) 604-4476 rfox@agcofdayton.com

For the safety of all, the AGC, AIA, CSI Dayton Joint Meeting with Ken Simonson was postponed.  COVID-19 travel and gathering restrictions led to the decision to reschedule this event at a later time.  Watch for updates for a new date and time.

The AGC, West Central Ohio Division, with AIA Dayton and CSI Dayton/Miami Valley, will host its Annual Joint Meeting on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM.  It will be held at Montgomery County’s Business Solutions Center located at 1435 Cincinnati Street, Third Floor, Dayton 45414.

Ken Simonson, AGC of America’s Chief Economist, will present, “2020 Vision for Design Construction, Plenty of Work or Plenty of Woe.”  Mr. Simonson will present the AGC Association’s latest outlook summary and he will offer his “guesses” regarding the national and local market for design and construction.

Plan to attend the lunch meeting.  No charge for AGC/AIA/CSI Dayton Members to attend; all others $25/each.  See full information and register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/agc-wcod-aia-dayton-csi-daytonmiami-valley-joint-meeting-tickets-90469846747