(937) 604-4476 rfox@agcofdayton.com

The Construction Industry participates In Demand Jobs Week which is a statewide celebration of jobs, industries, and skills which are in demand in the State of Ohio.  With favorable projected work levels and current industry workers’ retirement rates, the Construction Industry is aggressively looking to recruit its future workforce.

In Demands Jobs Week 2024 will be held May 6-10th.  Its focus will be to generate excitement and awareness of In Demand Jobs with students and job seekers through events, activities, and promotions.  If your school or community group would like a representative of the Construction Industry to come speak with your students or clients regarding career opportunities in the Construction Industry, please contact Deb Rhodes @ drhodes@agcofdayton.com.

The First Youth Apprenticeship Week will also be celebrated the week of May 5-11, 2024.  Building off the success of National Apprenticeship Week held annually in November, Youth Apprenticeship Week (YAW) is a nationwide celebration to highlight the benefits and value of Registered Apprenticeship program opportunities for young adults, ages 18–24. Employers, educators, labor unions, workforce professionals, and their partners across the country sponsor Registered Apprenticeship programs to allow youth to earn competitive wages while obtaining the relevant training and experience to start their careers, often including the opportunity to earn college credit.

YAW Logo