West Central Ohio Division Associated General Contractors
The West Central Ohio Division of AGC is a commercial trade association governed and directed by its contractor members. The membership is comprised of the top general and specialty contractors in fifteen counties in the Dayton/Lima area.
Become a Member!
The most prestigious and well-respected construction firms in the Miami Valley belong to the AGC West Central Ohio Division and benefit from AGC’s professional services.
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CQM Training
View all of our CQM Training here
Upcoming Events
PIVOT Virtual Conference, Sept 30, 2020
The PIVOT Virtual Conference formerly the Dayton Green Expo hosted by Heapy Engineering is scheduled for Wednesday, September 30, 2020. The virtual event is planned to provide education and networking opportunities to address "Moving the Built Environment Forward" in...

AGC of Ohio Build Ohio 2020, Cancelled
Due to complications with COVID-19 restrictions, AGC of Ohio has cancelled Build Ohio 2020. The annual event held to recognize Members' construction projects was planned for Friday, November 13, 2020 at the Easton Hilton. In 2021, projects from 2020 will be...

Ohio Construction Days at the Ohio State Fair, July 29-31 Cancelled
Unfortunately, with the cancellation of the 2020 Ohio State Fair, plans for Ohio Construction Days at the fairgrounds have also been postponed. The event will resume in July 2021. AGC staff, Apprenticeship Training Programs, and Unions will plan to showcase the...

CQM for Contractors, June 22-23 and June 24-25, 2020
In order to ensure travel, gathering, social distancing, etc. restrictions are met, June's CQM training dates have been updated to offer two sessions: June 22-23 and June 24-25, 2020. Currently, the second session roster is full, while limited seating is available...

Happy Easter, Sunday, April 12
AGC, West Central Ohio Division wishes all a Happy Easter 2020.
Recent News
OSHA Fines to Increase for First Time Since 1990
As a result of the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Improvement Act, passed by Congress in November, 2015, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) is scheduled to increase its fines by August 1, 2016. This would be the first increase in...
Outreach Efforts to Recruit Future Workforce
A June 6th article in the Dayton Business Journal reported construction job numbers jobs posted a slight gain in April, 2016 from April 2015 in the Dayton Region. This information was provided by Ken Simonson, the AGC's Chief Economist, who also shared many metro...
Ryan Hoying Awarded AGC, West Central Ohio Division’s 2016-17 Scholarship
The AGC, West Central Ohio Division awarded its 2016-17 AGC of Ohio's Education Foundation Scholarship to Ryan Hoying. In August, Mr. Hoying will be a 5th Year Senior at the University of Cincinnati in the Construction Management Program. He will graduate in May,...
Area Educators Attend Breakfast & Expo Outreach & Recruitment Event
On Wednesday, April 13th, the Miami Valley Building Trades Apprenticeship Group held its Annual Breakfast & Expo at the Electricians Conference Center. 40 Educators attended the event to gather information to take back to students regarding viable career pathways...