West Central Ohio Division Associated General Contractors
The West Central Ohio Division of AGC is a commercial trade association governed and directed by its contractor members. The membership is comprised of the top general and specialty contractors in fifteen counties in the Dayton/Lima area.
Become a Member!
The most prestigious and well-respected construction firms in the Miami Valley belong to the AGC West Central Ohio Division and benefit from AGC’s professional services.
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CQM Training
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Upcoming Events

CQM for Contractors Training, Feb 8-9, 2022 in Dayton
The Construction Builders Association will host six (6) CQM for Contractors training classes in 2022. If you have need to attend to complete certification requirements, contact Deb Rhodes @ drhodes@agcofdayton.com. Following are the dates the USACE will provide CQM...

CBA/CSI/AIA Dayton Joint Meeting, March 22, 2022
CBA, AIA and CSI Dayton will hold a Joint Meeting on Tuesday, March 22, 2022, 8:00 - 10:00 A.M. It will be held at the Business Solutions Center located on Edwin C. Moses Blvd. Ken Simonson, AGC of America's Chief Economist will present. Watch your email for...

Annual CBA/AGC Golf Outing, Friday September 17
CBA/AGC's Annual Golf Outing is scheduled for Friday, September 17, 2021. The four person shotgun play will begin at Noon at the Yankee Trace Golf Club in Centerville, OH. Contact Randy Fox @ rfox@agcofdayton.com or Deb Rhodes @ drhodes@agcofdayton.com if you want...

IFEBP Annual Employee Benefits Conference, October 17-20
The IFEBP will hold its 67th Annual Employee Benefit Conference in Denver, CO on October 17-20, 2021

CQM Training, October 19-20
The Construction Builders Association will host Construction Quality Management for Contractors training in Dayton, OH on October 19-20, 2021. An Instructor from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provides training. Seating is limited. Training is also scheduled on...
Recent News
Isaiah Beaver is Awarded AGC, West Central Ohio Division’s 2019-2020 Scholarship
Congratulations to Isaiah Beaver who has earned AGC, West Central Ohio Division's $1,000 Scholarship for 2019-2020. Isaiah was one of twenty nine recipients to be awarded an AGC of Ohio Education Foundation Scholarship for the next school term. His success in the...
AGC, West Central Ohio Division Supports In-Demand Jobs Week
AGC, West Central Ohio Division, its Members, and affiliated trade unions have supported various Outreach & Recruitment activities of In-Demand Job Week to promote the Construction Industry as a viable career pathway. During this period, events are scheduled in...
Shook Construction CEO: ‘When you’re learning, you’re thriving’
OPCMIA 132 Hosts Open House During In-Demand Jobs Week
The Dayton Cement Masons and Plasterers apprenticeship training programs held an Open House on Wednesday, May 9, 2018, 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM. The event was held during Ohio In-Demand Jobs Week, May 7-11, 2018. The purpose of the outreach event was to profile the Cement...