West Central Ohio Division Associated General Contractors
The West Central Ohio Division of AGC is a commercial trade association governed and directed by its contractor members. The membership is comprised of the top general and specialty contractors in fifteen counties in the Dayton/Lima area.
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The most prestigious and well-respected construction firms in the Miami Valley belong to the AGC West Central Ohio Division and benefit from AGC’s professional services.
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Upcoming Events

CQM for Contractors, October 8-9, 2019
AGC, West Central Ohio Division will be hosting a CQM for Contractors training class on October 8-9, 2019. An Instructor from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will provide the training. Training will be held at Shook Construction Company in Moraine, OH. Contact Deb...

14th Annual Construction Career Expo, Thursday, October 17th
The 14th Annual Construction Career Expo is scheduled for Thursday, October 17th. It will be held at the Operating Engineers Training Center in Miamisburg, OH. High school students and educators will be invited to learn of career opportunities available to young men...

65th Annual Employee Benefits Conference, October 20-23, 2019
The IFEBP 65th Annual Conference will be held at the San Diego Conference Center, October 20-23, 2019. https://www.ifebp.org/education/usannual/Pages/annual-employee-benefits-conference-1901.aspx Follow this link on the IFEBP website for complete information on the...

CSI Dayton’s PE 2019 Scheduled November 8th
CSI Dayton/Miami Valley's Annual Procrastination Education 2019 is scheduled for Friday, November 8th. It will be held at Montgomery County's Business Solution Center on Edwin C Moses Blvd, 8 AM - 2:30 PM. Presentations are planned from: Professor Pam Harwood, Ball...

CQM for Contractors, July 16-17, 2019
Due to the high demand for CQM for Contractors training, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has added a class in Dayton, OH on July 16-17, 2019. The AGC, West Central Ohio Division is accepting registrations for this class. If interested, please contact Deb Rhodes @...
Recent News
AGC of Ohio Education Foundation Announces 2016-17 Scholarship Application Period is Open
The AGC of Ohio Education Foundation has opened its 2016-17 scholarship application period for students in a Construction Related Program of Study. Approximately 28 scholarships are available for the academic school year 2016-17. Typically, $1,000 scholarship are...
Universal Contracting Corporation Wins Build Ohio Award for Smale Riverfront Vine Street Plaza & Carousel Project!
AGC, West Central Ohio Division congratulates Universal Contracting Corporation with its 2015 Build Ohio win in the New Construction under $30M category with the Smale Riverfront Park Vine Street Plaza & Carousel project, located in Cincinnati. The highlights of...
The 10th Annual Construction Career Expo Hosted 714 High School Students and Instructors
On Tuesday, October 6th, 714 High School Students and Instructors from 19 different schools/young adult centers attended the 10th Annual Construction Career Expo held at the Operating Engineers Training Center in Miamisburg. The Expo was hosted by the MV Building...
AGC, West Central Ohio Division’s Golf Outing was a Success!
72 Golfers enjoyed a beautiful day of golf on Friday, September 25th at Yankee Trace Golf Course. Everyone enjoyed a boxed lunch before heading to the course for a golf scramble. Following golf, a buffet dinner was served and a door prize raffle was held. First...