(937) 604-4476 rfox@agcofdayton.com

Quality People, Quality Projects

Build with the Best

West Central Ohio Division Associated General Contractors

The West Central Ohio Division of AGC is a commercial trade association governed and directed by its contractor members. The membership is comprised of the top general and specialty contractors in fifteen counties in the Dayton/Lima area.

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The most prestigious and well-respected construction firms in the Miami Valley belong to the AGC West Central Ohio Division and benefit from AGC’s professional services.

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CQM Training

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Upcoming Events

OPCMIA Great Lakes Competition at the Ohio State Fair, July 25-26

OPCMIA Great Lakes Competition at the Ohio State Fair, July 25-26

Several OPCMIA Locals of the Great Lakes Region will hold its bi-annual Cement Masons and Plasterers Competitions on July 25-26 at the Ohio State Fair.   The competition at the Fair provides an excellent Outreach event for the Cement Masons and Plasterers to display...

Deadline to Submit 2018 Build Ohio Projects, August 31st

Deadline to Submit 2018 Build Ohio Projects, August 31st

The 27th Annual Build Ohio Celebration Gala hosted by AGC of Ohio will be held on November 9, 2018 in Columbus.   This event honors excellence in commercial constriction projects.  The deadline to submit a construction project is Friday, August 31, 2018.  Contact...

OPCMIA Great Lakes Competition at the Ohio State Fair, July 25-26

OPCMIA Training Center to Hold Open House, May 9, 2018

The Cement Masons and Plasterers Apprenticeship Programs are holding an Open House on Wednesday, May 9th, 9:30 AM - 1 PM.  Apprentice representatives will be available to share program information; and apprentices will be on displaying hands on activities.  Lunch will...

Construction Career Expo, February 27, 2018

Construction Career Expo, February 27, 2018

Montgomery County/Ohio Means Jobs has scheduled its annual Construction Career Expo for Tuesday, February 27, 2018, 2-5 pm at the Dayton Convention Center. There is no charge to attend, however, registration is requested at OhioMeansJobs.com/Montgomery. Three Members...

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